For years if not decades, socialists and other variations of the left, opposed three following concepts. They marched. They smashed. They howled at the moon. All to no avail.
TTIP – Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. A brief description of Socialist case against can be found here:
Excerpt: TTIP is a major new deal being negotiated behind closed doors between the EU and USA. It will cost at least 1 million jobs, undermine our most treasured public services, lead to a ‘race to the bottom’ in food, environmental and labour standards and, for the first time, allow US companies to sue the UK government in special courts. TTIP will change our lives forever.
Even our glorious leader JC vowed to kill TTIP:
TPP – Trans-Pacific Partnership. Brief case against (and for) was posted here:
Excerpt: US opponents have characterised the TPP as a secretive deal that favoured big business and other countries at the expense of American jobs and national sovereignty. Critics on the left also said it had cost US jobs and said the TPP would pave the way for companies to sue governments that change policy on, say, health and education to favour state-provided services. And it was also seen as intensifying competition between countries’ labour forces.
NATO – Cold War relic that still keeps everyone in a bind. Socialist case against found here:
Excerpt: Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Nato has for the first time become directly involved in military action. The alliance had earlier supported the Portuguese in their protracted colonial wars in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau, but had not actively intervened. Now it intervened in the Balkans as part of the US attempt to reshape the post-Cold War world in their interests. Although Nato’s 11-week bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 was dressed up as a humanitarian intervention, it was in fact a cynical exercise in great power politics. The Balkans had to fit in with the US’s new world order.
In my earlier articles, I have already written on the matter. Worth looking over it especially the view of George Kennan – father of containment.
Trump torpedoed the first two. Casting doubt on their concepts and effect on common people before pulling the trigger. The Left howled and marched. Trump did.
Trump openly questioned NATO’s existence and only backed down after severe pressure from the establishment. I ask my socialist comrades, what three other issues are more important? Nothing gets more macro than this. Why has the rhetoric become more important than deeds. What would be remembered in 20, 50, 100, 300 years’ time? Words, which we know are wind, or real life outcomes?
There is plenty to criticize: Venezuela, Climate Change, Iran etc. etc. but it is important to remember that these are tactical issues which be easily reversed at the end of his tenure and they are micro in nature. Climate change isn’t but 8 years in office vs time continuum make it micro.
We need to condemn where it is deserved but I say we must applaud where it is deserved also. This includes North Korea talks. Keep an open mind comrades and try to see a bigger picture.